Ok, so here is what's happening. I'm opening zeroday from minecraft launcher and when I do it gives a "could not create the Java Virtual machine" kind of error. I tried launching from the intent launcher as well but when I do it says in the logs "Invalid Maximun Heap Size: -Xmx5G, The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size". Hoping I could get some help.

How did u get it to your luncher where do you put the zero day file ??

    RowanStrohm If you have less than 5GB of ram available in your system click
    then adjust

    save, and relaunch.

      That too ^

        And what do i with the files i downloaded

          minebuster In case you didn't hear already, press F3 + T ingame or change texture packs. Double check sound is on in settings.

            minebuster if you don’t hear sounds it is most likely that the resources of the game were improperly loaded, you can check the language settings and if it is blank then indeed resources are missing.

              on my default texture pack it says missing pac mcmeta
              and sound still doesn ot work