crashing when i join one

    i tried the baritone thing too

      Is there a crash report? Please send it from C:\Users\%USERNAME%\intentlauncher

                                                      unexpected shutdown

        client shutdown with exit code -1 if this is not related to the whitelist run minecraft 1.8.8 once in the regular launcher

          4 days later

          hammu7 Sorry for late reply, try version 6 of the launcher and see if it still happens

            i tried on v6 of the launcher and still wont work

              hammu7 OK so go into detail of your problem
              When does it crash
              What does it say when it crashes
              What have you tried

                It crashes when i join a game
                it says unexpected shutdown
                client shutdown with exit code -1 if this is not related to the whitelist run minecraft 1.8.8 once in the regular launcher when it crashes and ive tried the thing were u delete the thing in baratone or whatever