Juul 1.9 Released
Chest Aura - Automatically open new nearby chests with customizable levels of visibility
AntiBot - Removes or ignores anticheat generated NPCs
Bow Aimbot - Effortlessly lock onto targets with your bow
InvMove - Walk with UI open
Streamer Mode - Hide your username from all aspects of the UI
Config system (.config <list | save | load | delete>) with share codes
Command system (dot prefix '.') - With autocomplete, temporal recommendations, and async responses
GUI Detectability indicator - Shows detectability level / safety of each module
Added Teams settings to KillAura, ESP, Aimbot, and Bow Aimbot
Chest ESP - Now recognizes trapped and ender chests, resets cache when changing worlds, ignores NPCs
Added KillAura aim speed fluctuation, minimum tick age setting
Removed ability to interact contrary to your KillAura aim
Added Mojang/Microsoft Session Login to Alt Manager
Added reduced size logo option
Made Juul undetectable via resource pack or shaders gui
Alt manager now shows which alt you are logged into persistently
Improved ViaVersion implementation / reduced detectability
Fixed other crashing issues
Juul 1.9 Hotfix
Cloud config share codes now work for everyone (not just you)
Fixed one optifine-related crashing bug
Improved FPS (significantly?)
Juul 1.91 Released
- Aimbot - Fixed Sword in Hand not operating correctly
- AntiBot - No longer crashing
- InvMove - Shouldn't crash anymore ever?
- Improved config system format (25% more efficient)
- Fixed scoreboard/hotbar/sky GUI flickering bug
- Improved error handling on cloud sync
- Improved other error handling
- Fixed a Forge/FML init bug due to obfuscation
- Made bugs more diagnosable
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I'm not the developer of Juul, Nefarious is developer and he released these Changelog's