@IntentStore I hope you can help with this.
Help with hack totorials
package Horizon.modules.render;
import java.util.List;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import Horizon.Client;
import Horizon.events.Event;
import Horizon.events.listeners.EventKey;
import Horizon.events.listeners.EventRenderGUI;
import Horizon.events.listeners.EventUpdate;
import Horizon.modules.Module;
import Horizon.settings.Setting;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
public class TabGUI extends Module {
public int currentTab;
public boolean expanded;
public TabGUI() {
super("TabGUI", Keyboard.KEY_NONE, Category.RENDER);
toggled = true;
public void onEvent(Event e) {
if(e instanceof EventRenderGUI) {
FontRenderer fr = mc.fontRendererObj;
Gui.drawRect(5, 30.5, 70, 30 + Module.Category.values().length * 16 + 1.5, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(5, 30.5f + currentTab * 16, 7 + 61 + 2, 33 + currentTab * 16 + 12 + 2.5f, 0xff0090ff);
int count = 0;
for(Category c : Module.Category.values()) {
fr.drawString(c.name, 11, 35 + count*16, -1);
if(expanded) {
Category category = Module.Category.values()[currentTab];
List<Module> modules = Client.getModulesByCategory(category);
if(modules.size() == 0)
Gui.drawRect(70, 30.5, 70 + 68, 30 + modules.size() * 16 + 1.5, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(70, 30.5f + category.moduleIndex * 16, 7 + 61 + 70, 33 + category.moduleIndex * 16 + 12 + 2.5f, 0xff0090ff);
count = 0;
for(Module m : modules) {
fr.drawString(m.name, 73, 35 + count*16, -1);
if(count == category.moduleIndex && m.expanded) {
Gui.drawRect(70 + 68, 30.5, 70 + 68 + 68, 30 + m.settings.size() * 16 + 1.5, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(70 + 68, 30.5f + m.index * 16, 7 + 61 + 68 + 70, 33 + m.index * 16 + 12 + 2.5f, 0xff0090ff);
int index = 0;
for(Setting setting : m.settings) {
fr.drawString(setting.name, 73 + 68 + 2, 35 + index*16, -1);
if(e instanceof EventKey) {
int code = ((EventKey)e).code;
Category category = Module.Category.values()[currentTab];
List<Module> modules = Client.getModulesByCategory(category);
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_UP) {
if(expanded) {
if(category.moduleIndex <= 0) {
category.moduleIndex = modules.size() - 1;
}else {
if(currentTab <= 0) {
currentTab = Module.Category.values().length - 1;
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) {
if(expanded) {
if(category.moduleIndex >= modules.size() - 1) {
category.moduleIndex = 0;
}else {
if(currentTab >= Module.Category.values().length - 1) {
currentTab = 0;
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN) {
if(expanded && modules.size() != 0) {
Module module = modules.get(category.moduleIndex);
module.expanded = true;
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT) {
if(expanded && modules.size() != 0) {
Module module = modules.get(category.moduleIndex);
}else {
expanded = true;
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT) {
if(expanded && !modules.isEmpty() && modules.get(category.moduleIndex).expanded) {
modules.get(category.moduleIndex).expanded = false;
expanded = false;
I have a question, has the GUI ever worked before, like after episode 4 was it working
Also can I have a screenshot of what it looks like in game
@meFroggy This is the screen shot https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMGhXs_KiujbGfLhP92zS2Sn8MZ1gKU5L2PfgU