why when i try to send a purchase recovery it says Submitting... and it will never end?

    There are a couple reasons why that may happen, but if you could contact me on slack I could help you manually.

    Foggy stickied the discussion.
      Foggy unstickied the discussion.

        ok what is your slack user name?

          and i can make only workspace with this i can not make an account

            i have not have an account for this workspace

              and when i go to my zeroday account and press slack it says invite code its no longer available

                no the link that you sended to me was working but told me that i need to sign in and i have not an invitation from the server @meFroggy

                it says This invite link is no longer active.

                  Marked as solved because sot77 was able to DM Nef on Slack to get their problem fixed, not because the problem itself was fixed.