when i start up clean ive got an blackscreen and just hear the mc sounds but i cant do anything

can anybody help me?

    Are you launching through the intent launcher?

      CxlledNico Fast render needs to be disabled. I would go to the intentlauncher/optionsof.txt and change ofFastRender to false

        CxlledNico Just launch Clean first time and it will appear in the folder

          Artemij no it doesnt work i just hear the music but no new folder or anything come there

            Artemij and i checked all files they are all empty all txt files are empty

              CxlledNico I didn’t buy Clear, maybe content will be different from yours

                CxlledNico No, you're looking for optionsof.txt, NOT options.txt.

                tyronesaurusrex and CxlledNico you can both run the client with the default Minecraft launcher, there's no need to use the Intent Launcher if you're having problems with it.

                Foggy i cant find something how to run normal in the forum

                  For anyone wondering what happened, couldn't get the problem fixed even with the default launcher. Clean dev Elements problem, looks like.